WordPress Maintenance Plans

WordPress. Up to date. Secure. Always upgradeable

Item #pages ($mo) ($pa) Bandwidth
Basic Blog <10pp $38 $385 5Gb
Small Business <20pp $59 $590pa 15Gb
eComm/Multi-user <30pp $66
$660pa 30Gb

wordpress development> Prices include 10% GST
> Host with us for free with any maintenance service
> Pay annually and get 2 months free
> For more detail, read Our Terms of Service.

Advanced WordPress Maintenance

WordPress sites need regular maintenance...

WordPress is a popular CMS, and in mid-2023 it's powering nearly half of the web. Because of its popularity, WordPress base code is now a prime target for hackers, scammers and spammers. If you leave a door open, someone can use WordPress to access your server. You’re probably here because you (or a friend) has experienced some or all of the following suspicious activity ...

  • Hackers

    This happens to non-maintained websites. Hacking can render a site useless. Or worse. The Australian Federal Police can get involved if your site is linking to the wrong thing (hackers often redirect links or buttons). In every case it's cheaper to rebuild your hacked WordPress website on a clean server, than investigate teh issue. It's probably time for a website redo anyway, right?
  • Code bloat

    Too many plug-ins will slow your site down (very bad for SEO). On the contrary, updating your site on a regular basis will bring in more traffic. The more regularly you do so, the more traffic.
  • Google Penalties

    Sites using black-hat SEO techniques will be penalised by Google. Most SEO companies use temporary link networks (also known as "farms")to increase traffic. While it's exciting to see visits increase from 100 vistors per month to 5,000, the traffic isn't real, and you could be penalised by Google. Fake traffic rarely results in more leads for your business. We believe in building authority websites that attract new in-bound links naturally.
  • Phishing attempts

    Hackers will use an insecure site to collect personal identity using forms running on you site. Your site needs to be technically maintained by a professional to thwart such attempts.
  • Added to a blacklist

    Your site (or email address) can appear on a virus blacklist (such as Norton, McAfee etc.) because it is issuing malware without you knowing a things about it. You can check the health of your website, your site's domain, Email server and other things here: https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx
  • Incomplete Files

    Interrupted updates or half-uploaded images will upset the smooth running of a website. Your database needs to be cleaned regularly.
  • Code and content bloat

    A choked database will slow your site down unless optimised regularly. WordPress and its various plugins do a lot of work in the background, creating workfiles and code (beyond your actual site content) that can clog up your database.
  • Black-hat SEO

    People pay too much for SEO. Period. An SEO company will impress you with huge traffic increases in just a few days. Cheap (and unfair) SEO techniques that give you a short-term boost, will negatively affect your search engine rank over time. Often when you abandon such a company's services, the work they did becomes toxic for your website. Not staying with an SEO company can look like a huge traffic loss, but when the traffic was never real in the first place, it's not a lot to worry about.
  • Multiple page revisions

    Another way to clog up a database is with automatically saved drafts and post revisions. As you work on adding content to your site, WordPress is automatically saving the page in the background. These saved files make it hard for the server to find and deliver what users are looking for on your site.
  • Duplication

    Duplicate files (and duplicate meta-tags) adversely affect your SEO profile and serch engine rank.

All of the above will adversely affect your website's position in search and overall health. If left unchecked, a site will simply stop working. In worst-case scenarios, sites need to be salvaged and re-built from the ground up.

In a best-case scenario, an unmaintained site can sit there for years, looking fine and healthy. But it will slow down and lose rank every day as your competition works on bolstering their website with new and relevant content.

There's nothing worse than staying still in 2023.

Website Maintenance Service List - What we do

40+ manual update, security & technical updates not included with normal hosting

WordPress websites need more than just hosting. Would you buy a car and leave it in the garage for a year? Website maintenance means keeping software up to date – but that’s just one part. It’s not something you can automate – or run in WordPress with an offsite management plugin.

Only a human can maintain your website, prioritise and respond to specific issues in a timely fashion.

"What’s great about Geoffrey Websites is that they are very knowledgeable about the internet and like to think outside the square. He shows us the new way business is conducted online and seems happy to recognise and then leave behind old thinking. Edwin is very approachable, he listens and is responsive. There’s a humanity about him that surpasses most and he doesn’t appear to be (at least his invoices do not reflect it) motivated by money. Elliott and Co are happy to rely solely on Geoffrey to meet our law firm’s online web presence and advertising goals."
google five star review
Meredith's 5-star Review
Elliott & Co. Barristers & Solicitors

If you have a custom-built website, and you’re happy with your developer, we are happy to work closely with them to keep your site in top condition. That means a site that is always be up to date (rarely more than 1 month old) and operating smoothly all year round.

Geoffrey website maintenance plans cover you for the following issues;

WordPress Maintenance Plan

During set-up

(1st to 3rd Month)
  1. Fix issues arising from past misadventure or previous website upkeep.
  2. Obscure login pages to thwart hacker attacks (often done after a few weeks).
  3. Test for malware, look into general website health overall.
  4. Clean the website if a bug or malware is found.
  5. Remove from blacklists (e.g. Google, Norton etc.)
  6. Check site for Black Hat SEO.
  7. Check site against Google’s ever-changing Webmaster (SEO) guidelines.
  8. Add Nofollow to outbound links that don’t help your ranking.
  9. Add code which tells Google to re-index any page after an update.
  10. Monitor Google Search Console for inconsistencies, health, mobile & SEO issues *
  11. Monitor Google Analytics to check/identify patterns in your traffic *
  12. Remove dead links * - Google can stop indexing a site if it discovers a dead link.
  13. Check that forms are working properly (this actually should be number 1).
  14. Add form security (against spammers) *
  15. Prevent bots injecting malware or trojans into your database
  16. On-site back-up of form data. Never lose a lead because of unreliable email
  17. Bolster email security *
  18. Use SMTP mail instead of WordPress’ notoriously unreliable email sending methods.
  19. Custom PHP functions/libraries updated *
  20. Communicate with your hosting people (we like to maintain a good relationship with client's host/server people).
  21. Delete or update old plug-ins and themes.
  22. Delete old posts and page drafts clogging the database.
  23. Remove unused media *
  24. Remove unused categories & tags *
  25. Hide and replace unused short codes (if you have those) *
  26. Clean up and optimise the database for smooth running
  27. Remove comment spam (we use a secret two-pronged approach)
  28. Walk you through any aspect of your site over the phone. Including fix stuff we didn’t do.

Website Check-ins & Security

(throughout the year)
  1. Update 3rd party software updates (plugins, extensions, software).
  2. Minimize the size of your HTML, Javascript and CSS files.
  3. Respond and fix issues discovered by Google Search Console (best SEO practice)
  4. Black Hat SEO checks. Remove if found.
  5. Redirect old pages to new ones (preserve link juice, site authority).
  6. Prevention of Denial of Service attacks (DoS attacks) where possible.
  7. Prevent hacking and comment spam.
  8. Embolden site access and deal with lock-outs (e.g. creating new logins)
  9. Monthly site clean & anti-virus protection
  10. Database tables normalised
  11. Monitor User Activity *
  12. Respond to email queries (within 48hrs)
  13. Answer phone calls (8am – 6pm EST)
  14. Check and redirect broken links.
  15. Fix menu issues when adding new pages
  16. Resolve site crashes/time-outs due to misadventure
  17. Set up and check automatic website backups
  18. Manual website text content XML backups *
  19. Remove, block or watch suspicious/mis-behaving files
  20. Block countries from login (or entire site)
  21. Communicate with your server techs (on-going)
  22. Walk you through any aspect of your site over the phone

* Upon request

"As a FIRST time business owner, I have been overwhelmed by the support Geoffrey Websites has given me in ensuring our website appears where it should in the GOOGLE search engine. Not only has he helped me with our website but the tips he has given on SEO and how to attract customers has been amazing. Edwin not only loves what he does, he is passionate about making your website successful, there is no monetary value on the time he puts into making things right. On behalf of Out and About Camper Trailer Hire we would like to thank Edwin for putting us in the position we are today."
google five star review
Nicky's 5-star Review
Out & About Camper Hire

website design, seo and general web development

Who We Are

Geoffrey is a business owned and run by Edwin James Lynch, who holds a degree in Communication and a diploma in Multimedia. In the past, Edwin has taught web design, development, and online marketing at universities in Western Australia. He sometimes collaborates with copywriters, programmers, and other specialists, but he often works independently.

ABN: 50 277 372 669

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